it is a boy name ...
Suggested by other users like you. (May not be accurate. Please use your own judgement.)
Name | Description | Edit |
Ma'mun | Trustworthy, reliable | |
Ma'n | Assistance | |
Maaz | Brave Man | |
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Mabad | A place of worship | |
Madani | Civilised | |
Madiyan | Name of place in Saudi Arabia | |
Madyan | Name of a holy place in Saudi Arabia where the Prophet (PBUH) used to visit | |
Mahad | Great, nice | |
Mahaz | The place of war | |
Mahbeer | Brave | |
Mahbub | Dear, Darling, Sweetheart | |
Mahd | The guided one | |
Mahdi | Rightly Guided | |
Maher | Skilled | |
Mahfuj | The Protected One, The Protector | |
Mahfuz | Preserved, safe | |
Mahja | Place to sleep, quarters, lodgings | |
Mahmoodullah | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Mahmud | The praised one, commendable | |
Majd | Glory, nobility | |
Majdi | Glorious, praiseworthy | |
Makhdoom | One who is served | |
Makki | Pertaining to Makkah | |
Malih | A reciter of Quran was so called | |
Malik | Master | |
Mamduh | Person commended, praised | |
Mamoon | Secure, fearless | |
Mansoor | Victorious | |
Mansur | Divinely aided, victorious | |
Manzar | View, Sight | |
Manzoor | Approve(d), Accept(ed) | |
Maqbool | Popular | |
Maqil | Intelligent | |
Marghoob | Desirable, coveted, agreeable | |
Maru'deen | Strong believer of the religion | |
Maruf | Known, accepted | |
Marwan | Solid | |
Marzuq | Blessed, fortunate | |
Masarrat | Happiness, delight, joy | |
Mash'al | Torch | |
Mashhood | Witness | |
Mashhud | Clear, Manifest, Witnessed | |
Mashkoor | One who is worthy of thanks, deserving, commendable | |
Masood | Blissful, fortunate, auspicious | |
Masoud | Lucky | |
Masroor | Happy person, joyful | |
Masrur | Happy, glad | |
Masud | Fortunate, happy, lucky | |
Masum | Innocent, infallible | |
Mateen | Solid, constant, tough, substantive | |
Matloob | Objective, goal | |
Mawsil | Name of Hanafi Jurist of Iraq | |
Maymun | Fortunate, blessed | |
Maysarah | Ease, comfort | |
Mazin | Cloud that carries rain | |
Mehboob | Loveable | |
Mehmaaz | Unique colourful | |
Mehtab | The Moon | |
Mekka | Name of Holy city | |
Mensur | Winner | |
Miftah | Key | |
Mika | Cool, sweet, intelligent | |
Mika'il | One of Allah's angel | |
Mimar | Mason, architect | |
Minhaj | Road, Path | |
Minhaz | Method, system, order, clear way, clear path | |
Miraj | Ascension (to heaven) | |
Mirsab | The sword of the Prophet (S.A.W) | |
Misbah | Light, lamp | |
Miskeen | Poor | |
Mistah | Instrument to level something | |
Mo'tasim | Handsome | |
Moazzam | Respectable | |
Mobeen | Sensitive | |
Moeen ud din | Helper in the religion | |
Moeez | Respectful | |
Moemen | Believer and faithful to Allah | |
Mohammed | Name of final prophet (PBUH) | |
Mohid | The one who believes in oneness of Allah Almighty | |
Mohsin | Helper, attractive | |
Mokbul | Accept | |
Montashin | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Mostafa | Chosen one; Close to Allah | |
Motaz | Proud | |
Mounir | Light, sunlight | |
Mourad | Desire | |
Mu'adh | Protected | |
Mu'afa | Name of a man who travelled extensively to find Hadith | |
Mu'alla | A judge and follower | |
Mu'allim | Teacher | |
Mu'awiyah | First Ummayad Caliph | |
Mu'awwiz | Companion who participated in the Battle of Badr | |
Mu'ayyad | Supported | |
Mu'inuddeen | The Helper of the religion | |
Muammar | Senior | |
Muammer | Senior | |
Muballigh | Preacher, one who preaches and propagates Islam | |
Mubarak | Blessed, fortunate, auspicious | |
Mubaraq | Blessing | |
Mubashir | Spreader of good news | |
Mubassir | Observer | |
Mubeen | Clear | |
Mubid | Intellectual | |
Mudabbir | One who plans | |
Mudasir | Handsome | |
Mudasser | A word in the Qur'an | |
Mueen | One who helps | |
Mueez | One who gives protection | |
Mufaddal | One who is preferred | |
Mufakkir | Thinker, one who meditates | |
Mufallah | One who prospers | |
Mufeed | (from the verb fada to overflow) | |
Mufid | Useful | |
Muflih | One who prospers | |
Mufti | Jurist | |
Mughith | Helper, succourer | |
Muhafiz | One who protects | |
Muhaimin | Supervising, guardian, protector | |
Muhajir | Immigrant | |
Muhammad | Praiseworthy - name of the LAST Prophet (A.S) | |
Muhannad | Sword | |
Muhdee | One who presents | |
Muheet | That which embraces all round | |
Muhib | One who loves, friend | |
Muhriz | Obtainer, winner, earner | |
Muhsin | Beneficent, charitable | |
Muhtadi | Right guided | |
Muhtashim | One has many followers | |
Muiz | The giver of might and glory | |
Mujaddid | One who renews or renovates or refreshes | |
Mujahid | A warrior | |
Mujazziz | Name of a companion | |
Mujeeb | Responder | |
Mujibur | Responsive | |
Mujtaba | The chosen one | |
Mukarram | Respected, honoured | |
Mukhlis | Sincere, pure-hearted | |
Mukhtar | Selected, authorised | |
Mukthadir | Strong, health | |
Mulayl | A companion was so named | |
Mumin | One who believes | |
Mumtaz | One who is distinguished | |
Munaf | Exalted, inconsistent with contradictory to | |
Munawwar | Enlightened, lighted | |
Muneeb | One who turns in repentance | |
Muneer | Shining | |
Munir | Moon's Light, Lamp | |
Munis | Name of a previous chief army guard | |
Munkadir | Name of an authority and ascetic of Hadith | |
Munqad | One who is led, conducted, obedient | |
Muntasir | One of the Abbasid Khalifah was known as such | |
Muntazir | The awaiting | |
Munzir | Warner | |
Muqaddas | Sacred | |
Muqarrab | Close to Allah | |
Muqatadir | Name of an Abbasid Khalifah | |
Muqbil | Following, next | |
Muqtasid | One who is economical, thrifty | |
Murabbi | Patron, Superior, guardian | |
Murad | Desire | |
Mursal | Messenger, Prophet, Ambassador | |
Murshid | Spiritual guide, instructor, mentor | |
Murtaad | Ascetical | |
Murtadaa | Chosen one | |
Murtaza | The generous, The giving | |
Musa | A Prophets name | |
Musaddiq | One who confirms or verifies another | |
Musaid | Helper | |
Museeb | Apple in Persian. Also means great warrior | |
Musharraf | One who is honoured, exalted | |
Musheer | Advisor | |
Mushfiq | Friend, considerate | |
Mushir | (The one of highest rank)was used mostly in military in the past, now used to describe many things in Arabic | |
Mushtaq | Ardent, Longing | |
Muslih | Reformer | |
Muslim | One who submits to Allah | |
Mussarrat | Joyful, always happy | |
Mustaeen | The chosen one | |
Mustafa | The chosen one, also one of the Prophets names | |
Mustafeed | Profiting, gainful | |
Mustahsan | Commendable | |
Mustajab | One who is heard | |
Mustakim | Straight road | |
Mustaneer | Brilliant | |
Mustaqeem | Straight | |
Mustatab | Good, Delectable | |
Mutahhir | What Purifies | |
Mutashim | Decent, honest and modest | |
Mutasim | Kept away from sin; name of Khalifah | |
Mutawassit | Moderate, average | |
Mutayyib | Fragrant | |
Muttaqi | Righteous, one who fears Allah | |
Muttee | Obedient | |
Muzaffar | Victorious | |
Muzakkir | Reminder | |
Muzammil | The wrapped one | |
Muzhir | Witnessed, name of companion | |
Muzzammil | Wrapped |