Name | Description | Edit |
Ma | As-sama A noble hearted, generous lady, daughter of al-Muzaffar, had this name; she built a religious school | |
Ma'isah | Walking with a proud, swinging gait | |
Maahnoor | Glow of Moon | |
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Madaniyah | Civilised, cultured | |
Madeeha | Praiseworty | |
Madhat | Praise | |
Madhia | Praiseworthy | |
Madia | Praiseworthy | |
Madiha | Praiseworthy | |
Madihah | Praiseworthy | |
Maha | Large eyes, moon like | |
Mahasin | Beauty | |
Mahbasah | A narrator of Hadith | |
Mahdiya | Rightly Guided By Allah | |
Maheen | Fine or thin texture, feeble voice, Like the moon | |
Maheera | Highly skilled, Expert | |
Mahek | Fragrance | |
Mahfuzah | The protected one | |
Mahirah | Adept, Expert | |
Mahjabeen | Powerful | |
Mahneera | First born of a pair | |
Mahneerah | First born of a pair | |
Mahnoor | Light of the moon | |
Mahreen | Bright and Beautiful as the sun | |
Mahrosh | Piece of moon, pleasant | |
Mahrukh | Face like a moon, beautiful | |
Mahtob | Moonlight | |
Mahum | Moon's Light | |
Mahveen | Light of the Sun | |
Mahvish | Moon-face | |
Mahwish | Beautiful like the moon | |
Mahwush | As beautiful as the Moon | |
Maida | Beautiful | |
Maira | Moon | |
Maisarah | Wealth, Richness | |
Maisha | Pretty | |
Majidah | Glorious, noble, respected | |
Makhtooma | Name of a female singer of the past | |
Makhtoonah | Name of a singer and a beautiful lady of the past | |
Malaika | Angel | |
Malaikah | Angel | |
Malak | Angel | |
Malayeka | Angel | |
Maleehah | Salty, Graceful, Brownish colour | |
Maliha | Beautiful | |
Malika | Queen | |
Malikah | Queen | |
Malmal | Soft | |
Manahel | Special flower | |
Manahil | Spring of fresh water | |
Manal | Attainment, achievement | |
Manar | Guiding light (lighthouse) | |
Manfoosah | She was the daughter of Abu Yazid bin Abu al-Firwaris; a very pious woman, she wept often for fear of Allah | |
Manha | Gift of Allah | |
Manhalah | Spring | |
Manoroma | Attractive, Beautiful. | |
Mansurah | Supporter, victorious | |
Maqboolah | A noted woman of the past had this name; Maqboolah Hanim | |
Marah | Happiness, joy | |
Maram | Aspiration | |
Mardhiah | One who is loved and respected by all | |
Mareen | From the ocean | |
Marhabah | Welcome | |
Maria | One of the wifes' of the prophet Muhammed (p.b.u.h) | |
Mariam | Mother of Isa (Jesus) | |
Maridah | A slave girl of Haroon Rashid had this name | |
Mariya | Purity | |
Mariyah | Oryx, Addax | |
Marjanah | Precious stone | |
Marnia | Wealthy in every aspect | |
Marwa | A mountain in mekkah | |
Maryum | Mother of Isa (A.S) | |
Masabeeh | Lamps, Lights | |
Mashaal | Light, bright | |
Mashal | Light | |
Mashel | Light | |
Mashoodah | Evidenced | |
Masooma | Innocent | |
Masoomah | Innocent | |
Mastura | Protected | |
Masumah | Innocent | |
Mateenah | Firm, Solid, determined | |
Mawahib | Talents | |
Mawara | Superior | |
Mawiya | Old arabic name | |
Mawiyah | The mirror | |
Maya | Princess | |
Mayameen | The blessed, the brave | |
Mayeda | The fruits of heaven, the cloth on which you eat in Heaven, The suraah Mayeda in the Quran | |
Maymunah | Auspicious, Blessed | |
Maysa | To walk with a proud, swinging gait | |
Maysam | The pollen in the flower, honey, sweet | |
Maysoon | Beautiful face & body | |
Maysun | Of beautiful face and body | |
Mayyadah | To walk with a swinging gait | |
Maznah | Glorius | |
Mazneen | Shining of gold | |
Medina | Holy city of Saudi Arabia | |
Meem | The Arabic letter 'M' or 'Mim' | |
Meena | Light | |
Mehak | Fragrance | |
Mehek | Smell, fragrance | |
Meher | Benevolence | |
Meheroon | Charming | |
Meherun Nessa, Meherunnessa | Please advise the meaning of this name. | |
Meherunissa | Benevolent | |
Mehjabeen | Beautiful as the moon, beloved person | |
Mehmuda | Beautiful garden in medinah | |
Mehnaz | Prouded like a moon | |
Mehndi | Beautiful colour | |
Mehnoor | Light of the moon | |
Mehr | Full Moon | |
Mehreen | Loving nature | |
Mehriban | Kind, Gentle | |
Mehrish | Wonderfull smell(mehak) | |
Mehrnaz | Kindness and sweetness | |
Mehrunisa | Pretty woman | |
Mehvesh | Light of the moon | |
Mehvish | Bright Star | |
Mehwish | Moon, beautiful | |
Memoona | Gladful | |
Menaal | Special flower of heaven | |
Mersiha | The most beautiful | |
Mevish | Strong | |
Meymona | Good Fortune | |
Mid'haa | Appreciate | |
Midhaa | Appreciate | |
Midhah | Praise | |
Mina | Light | |
Minaal | To reach your destination | |
Minahil | Most beautiful flower of the heaven | |
Minal | Gift, achievement | |
Minnah | Mercy, gift from Allah | |
Minsa | In Muslim, It is prophet Yousaf alesalam daughter name which means "kind", "peace" & "to forgive". | |
Misba | Innocent | |
Misha | Beautiful, Pretty | |
Mishall | A light, beautiful, pretty | |
Mishel | A Light | |
Miskeenah | Humble | |
Mobena | Cool | |
Mohaddisa | Story teller | |
Mohga | The light of happiness | |
Mohsina | Righteous | |
Momina | Faithful, Truly Believing | |
Mona | Wish, desire | |
Monera | Shinning light, or guiding light | |
Morsal | Messenger,Beautiful,Flower | |
Mouna | Water | |
Mounia | A wish or dream come true | |
Mounira | It's shining | |
Muazah | She was a narrator of hadith | |
Mubarakah | Blessed | |
Mubashirah | Bringer of good news | |
Mubassirah | One who comments | |
Mubeenah | One who makes something clear | |
Muhsinah | Charitable and kind | |
Muizza | The empowerer, the honourer, the strengthener | |
Mumina | Lovely, sweet girl | |
Muna | Water | |
Munawar | Bright | |
Munazzah | Sacred, clean, honest | |
Muneeba | Beautiful | |
Muneerah | Splendid, bright shine of light, illuminous | |
Munerah | Illuminating, Shining | |
Muneza | Clean, pure | |
Muniba | To consult with Allah, diverted toward Allah | |
Munira | Light, sunshine | |
Munisa | Gentle, friendly | |
Munize | One who brings good luck | |
Muqadaas | Holy, Pure | |
Muqbalah | Name of a narrator of Hadith | |
Murdiyyah | Chosen one | |
Murshidah | Guide | |
Musaddiqah | One who affirms the Truth | |
Musaykah | She narrated hadith from Sayyidina Ayshah | |
Mushira | Advisor, Guide | |
Muskaan | Smile | |
Muskan | Smile, Happy | |
Muslimah | Devout believer | |
Mussah | She narrated Hadith | |
Mussaret | Happiness | |
Musta'eenah | One who prays for help | |
Mutahharah | Purified, chaste | |
Mutazah | A narrator of Hadith | |
Muzaynah | Adornment | |
Muznah | The cloud that carries the rain | |
Myiesha | Lifes blessing | |
Myreen | Same as Mahreen | |
Mysha | Happy for entire life |