Name | Description | Edit |
Raameen | Obedient | |
Rabab | White cloud | |
Rabail | A veil of flowers | |
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Rabbiya | Cool breeze of spring season | |
Rabeea | Springtime, garden | |
Rabia | Spring, Springtime | |
Rabitah | Bond, tie | |
Rabiya | Princess, Queen | |
Radeyah | Content, satisfied | |
Radhia | Pleasant, satisfied | |
Raeesah | Princess; Noble lady | |
Rafeeqah | Friend; Soft-hearted | |
Rafia | High, Sublime | |
Rafiah | High, sublime, exquisite | |
Rafida | Gift | |
Rafiqah | Friend, companion | |
Raghad | Pleasant | |
Raghibah | Desiring, desirous | |
Raheemah | Merciful | |
Rahila | One who travels | |
Rahilah | One who travels | |
Rahimah | Merciful, companionate, kind | |
Rahma | Mercy | |
Rahmaa | To have mercy upon | |
Rahmah | Compassion, mercy | |
Rahmath | Mercy, Clemency | |
Raidah | Leader, pioneer | |
Raihana | The fragrance of a rose | |
Raima | Happiness | |
Raina | Peaceful Queen | |
Raiqah | Clear, Pure, Undisturbed | |
Raitah | A narrator of Hadith | |
Rajiyah | Hoping, full of hope | |
Rameen | Obedient | |
Rameesha | A bunch of roses | |
Ramia | Sender | |
Ramidha | White rose | |
Ramisa | White rose | |
Ramsha | Face like moon | |
Ramzia | Gift | |
Rana | To gaze | |
Rani | From the arabic name meaning queen. she is an energtic self-starter capable of sustaing a fast pace with strong leadership and qualities. a real motavater | |
Rania | Queen | |
Ranya | Conquerer | |
Rasha | A Young Gazelle | |
Rasheedah | Intelligent one, Sober | |
Rashida | Intelligent, Sober | |
Rasyiqah | Full of passion | |
Raudzah | Garden in paradise | |
Rayann | Its the door of heaven that opens in the month of ramadhan | |
Rayna | Pure, Clean | |
Rayya | Light | |
Razaana | One who is calm | |
Razaanah | One who is calm | |
Razan | Balanced | |
Razia | Content, Satisfied | |
Reeha | Air | |
Reeham | Little, light rain | |
Reem | Beautiful Gazelle | |
Reema | White antalope | |
Reena | Beautiful | |
Reham | Rain drops | |
Rehana | A handfull of sweet basil | |
Rehemat | Gift | |
Reja | Good News | |
Reshma | Golden Silk, Expensive | |
Reyah | Comfort | |
Reyhana | Sweet smelling flower of paradise | |
Rida | Lovely, nice & help's people | |
Rida zainb | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Rifaat | Altitude, Height, High | |
Rifat | Happy | |
Rifaya | Brilliance | |
Riffat | High | |
Rija | Desire, Hope | |
Rijja | Heavens beauty | |
Rimsha | Bunch of flowers | |
Rinaaz | Great | |
Rizqin | Good fortune | |
Rizva | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Rizwana | Beautiful, Guardian of heaven | |
Robina | Blessing with love, waterfall | |
Roha | Beautiful | |
Rohaan | A river in paradise | |
Roma | Truthful, honest, beautiful, flower, princess | |
Romana | Pomegranate; The fruit of Paradise | |
Romeesa | Heavens beauty | |
Rona | Shining light | |
Roshini | Light, noor | |
Roshni | Light | |
Roushana | Light, Brightness | |
Ruaa | Invisable | |
Rubaba | Rose | |
Rubi | Red gem | |
Rubina | Blessed with love, waterfall | |
Rubiya | Spring season | |
Rudainah | Old Arabic Name | |
Ruhab | The one who brings happiness | |
Ruhee | Soul, a flower, who touches the heart | |
Ruhi | Soul | |
Ruhina | Sweet fragrence | |
Rukayat | It is the name of one of the daughters of the Prophet, it means one who Allah loves | |
Rukhsaar | Cheek, Face | |
Rukhsana | Beautiful | |
Rukhsar | Cheek | |
Ruksana | Beautiful, persian princess | |
Ruksha | Beautiful | |
Rumaisa | Bunch of flowers | |
Rumana | Romantic, loving | |
Rumeha | Beautiful Stone | |
Ruqaya | Daughter of the Prophet (S.A.W) | |
Ruqayya | Gentle name of the daughter of the Prophet (S.A.W) | |
Ruqayyah | The daughter of the prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) | |
Ruquaiya | Daughter of the Prophet (S.A.W) | |
Rushda | Knowledge, true path, guidance |