Name | Description | Edit |
Na'eemah | Joyful | |
Na'ilah | Acquirer, obtainer, winner | |
Na'imah | Comfort, tranquillity | |
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Naa'irah | Bright, Shining | |
Naailah | Some thing special | |
Naajidah | Courage | |
Naazneen | Beautiful | |
Naba | Great News | |
Nabeeha | Intelligent | |
Nabeelah | Noble | |
Nabiha | Honest | |
Nabihah | Intelligent, noble, eminent | |
Nabijah | Ambitious, Leader and Brave | |
Nabila | Happiness, generosity | |
Nabilah | Noble, magnanimous | |
Nada | Generosity, dew | |
Nadeen | Hope | |
Nadesh | Hope | |
Nadia | One who is full of Hope | |
Nadimah | Friend | |
Nadira | One who is precious; rare | |
Nadirah | Rare, precious | |
Nadiyah | One who is full of hope | |
Nadra | Rare, unique | |
Nadyne | Flower | |
Naeema | Ease, blessing | |
Nafeesa | Precious | |
Nafeesah | Precious gem | |
Nafesa | Princess | |
Nafiah | Profitable | |
Nafisah | Precious gem | |
Nageen | Precious stone | |
Nageenah | Precious Stone | |
Nagheen | Pearl | |
Nagina | Diamond | |
Nahal | Small Plant | |
Naheed | Honorable | |
Naheeda | Beautiful | |
Nahida | Elevated, delightful | |
Nahleejah | Down to earth, cool | |
Naifah | This was the name of a well-known, woman loved by the masses for her kindness and generosity, her advice was sought by the people in different affairs | |
Nailah | One who succeeds | |
Naima | Powerful, strong minded person | |
Naimah | Tranquility | |
Nain | Eye | |
Naina | Eyes | |
Najaah | Please advise us the meaning of this name. | |
Najaf | City in iraq | |
Najah | Success, safety | |
Najat | Safety, Security | |
Najdah | Courage, bravery | |
Najibah | Of noble birth, distinguished | |
Najidah | Succour, Help | |
Najihah | Victory | |
Najiyah | Safe | |
Najla | Of wide eyes | |
Najma | A Star, in middle of a group of stars | |
Najmah | Star | |
Najmiyyah | Star | |
Najwa | Confidential talk, secret conversation | |
Nakhat | Fragrance | |
Nakia | Pure, faithful | |
Namra | Delicious water | |
Namyla | Quiet, Serious | |
Naqeebah | Leader, Head, Chief | |
Naraiman | Pious angel | |
Nargis | Narcissus. Flower. | |
Narmin | A flower, delicate, soft, slender | |
Naseeka | Nusuk (arabic sacrifice), piece of gold | |
Naseemah | Breeze | |
Naseerah | Helper | |
Nasha | Scent, perfume | |
Nasheed | Beautiful one | |
Nasheelah | Honey comb | |
Nashema | Wise, Blossom | |
Nashirah | Publisher, Diffuser; Spreader | |
Nashitah | Active, energetic | |
Nashmia | Garden of flowers | |
Nashwa | Elated, flushed | |
Nasifah | Just, equitable | |
Nasiha | Advice | |
Nasihah | Advisor | |
Nasimah | Gentle breeze, zephyr | |
Nasira | Glowing star | |
Nasirah | Helper, protector | |
Nasra | Helper | |
Nasreen | Wild Rose | |
Nasrin | Blue scented flower | |
Nasrullah | Victory of Allah | |
Natara | Guardian | |
Natasha | Strong | |
Nathifa | Pure, Clean | |
Naureen | Bright light | |
Naurus | Bird in Arabic | |
Naushaba | Elixir | |
Nausheen | Sweet, pleasant, agreeable | |
Naushin | Sweet | |
Naveda | Glad things | |
Naveen | New, Excellent, Something that is better than the rest | |
Navil | To be blessed | |
Nawal | Gift | |
Nawar | The one who guards herself, Flower | |
Naweed | Good news | |
Nawel | Gift | |
Nawlah | She was a narrator of Hadith | |
Nawwal | Gift | |
Nayila | Queen of river Nile | |
Nayyab | Very Rare, Exclusive | |
Nayyirah | Luminary | |
Nazahah | Purity, righteousness, honesty | |
Nazanin | Beautiful, pretty | |
Nazeefah | Clean | |
Nazeeha | Honest | |
Nazeerah | Warner | |
Nazia | Pride | |
Nazimah | Administrator | |
Nazindah | Name of a liberal woman of Baghdad who founded a religious school | |
Nazirah | Observer, supervisor | |
Nazish | Fragrance, Proud | |
Nazli | This was the name of an intelligent, learned woman who had command over different languages, Turkish, Arabic, French, English and was an expert in different fields | |
Nazma | Star | |
Nazmin | Light | |
Nazneen | Beautiful | |
Nazraana | Gift | |
Nazuk | Delicate | |
Neelam | Sapphire | |
Neelofer | Lotus, Water Lily | |
Neeshad | Cheerful | |
Neeya | A Desire For Something | |
Neha | Love, rain | |
Nejat | Freedom, stress free | |
Nelam | Precious stone | |
Nelofar | Lotus, Water lily | |
Nesrin | A field of wild roses | |
Nevaeh | Heaven, peace, angels | |
Ni'ja | Saved One | |
Ni'mah | Blessing, loan, favour | |
Nida | Call | |
Nidaa | Call | |
Nidda | Call | |
Nigar | Beautiful | |
Nighat | Vision, sight | |
Nijah | Success | |
Nilofar | Waterlily | |
Nilofer | Wild Mountain Rose | |
Nimah | Blessing, Loan, Favor | |
Nimat | Blessing | |
Nimerah | Tigeress, beauty, strength, modesty, power | |
Nimra | Soft, Lion | |
Nimrah | Pure, clean | |
Nina | Gracious One | |
Nisa | Women | |
Nisha | Whole World | |
Nishat | Happiness | |
Nisreen | Flower | |
Nissa | Ladylike | |
Noor-Al-Haya | Light of my life | |
Noor-ul-ann | Light | |
Noorie | Light | |
Nooriya | Light | |
Noorjahan | Light of the world | |
Nora | Light | |
Norah | Light | |
Noreen | Lovable, bright | |
Norhan | Light | |
Noriza | Light of contentment | |
Noshaba | Elixir, water of life | |
Nosheen | Sweet Thing | |
Noureen | Light | |
Nu'aymah | Name of a narrator of hadith | |
Nudbah | Lament, Scar; Mark | |
Nudrat | Singularity | |
Nuha | Intelligence | |
Nuhaa | Intelligent | |
Numa | Beautiful and pleasant | |
Nura | The light, e.g. nurul islam, the light of islam | |
Nurah | Light | |
Nurayda | Intelligence | |
Nuriya | Light | |
Nuriyah | Light | |
Nurjenna | Light of Paradise | |
Nuryn | Light | |
Nusaybah | One with good lineage | |
Nusrah | Helpful | |
Nusrat | Help, Victory | |
Nuwayla | Archiver | |
Nuwaylah | Winner | |
Nuzhah | Excursion spot | |
Nuzhat | Cheerfulness | |
Nyasia | Most beautiful one | |
Nyla | Winner, Achiever |